

本协会是注册在籍的非营利性组织。关于个人捐赠,请用在下面填入捐赠金额直接捐赠或通过PayPal, Zelle Pay, Quick Pay捐赠到我们的账户 nhca.north.houston@gmail.com 。如想通过其它方式捐赠,请联系 nhca.north.houston@gmail.com。如有实物捐赠请联系 832-938-6665。


Any amount would help

Personal Info

Donation Total: $10.00


北休斯顿华人协会(NHCA)2024年第十二届春节联欢晚会将于2月3号举行。协会在历届春晚筹备活动中,都得到了广泛的募捐支持。这次春晚也不例外,接受以个人或集体的名义募捐的物品与现金。部分款项将用于晚会抽奖与补贴购买食物和付场地租金。剩余款项将用于来年活动。春晚节目单广告价格: $300 1/4页,$400 1/2页,$500 整页。除此之外,所有广告也会在协会网站循环播放一整年,若捐献物品或礼卷则可作为抽奖奖品使用,会有鸣谢(无广告页)。春晚广告或捐赠请联系832-938-6665。

Advertisement or Sponsorship for New Year Gala

We are very excited to announce that our 12th annual Chinese new year gala will be held on Feb. 3, 2024. Any donation, advertisement, or sponsorship from individual or business is welcomed. Donation can be gift cards or miscellaneous items (in the past, we had painting, small appliances, tea sets, etc.) which can make great raffle prizes for the gala. Cash donation can help NHCA off-set the rental and food expenses. Advertisement for business will be printed on gala program publication ($300 for 1/4 page, $400 for 1/2 page, and $500 for full page) to be exposed to hundreds of attendees. In addition, all the advertisement will be featured on the NHCA website for an entire year. Please help spread the words and your help is highly appreciated. To make donation or advertise on the New Year Gala, please contact 832-938-6665.

关于更多个人捐赠事项,请联系 nhca.north.houston@gmail.com