Article 1. Name
The name of the organization is North Houston Chinese Association, also known as NHCA.
Article 2. Mission
NHCA is a non-political, non-religious, nonprofit organization, registered in the state of Texas. The mission of NHCA is to provide a platform for the local Chinese community to participate in social and cultural activities, to promote community involvement among its members, to encourage Chinese immigrants to contribute positively toward the community’s economic and cultural developments, and to promote Sino-American cultural exchanges.
Article 3. Membership
1. There are two types of memberships, including individual membership and family membership. Any person who supports the mission of NHCA and pays the membership fee can become a member. To become a member, the person or family head shall submit a written application form. The membership takes effect as soon as the application is approved.
2. An adult member has the right to vote or running for elected NHCA officials, and is free to renounce the membership at any time. A member shall pay the membership fee on time.
Article 4. Organization
1. The general membership meeting of the Association is the venue in which the supreme power of the Association is vested. When the general membership meeting is in recess, such power is vested in the Board of Directors.
2. Board of Directors
2.1. Directors
2.1.1. New directors are nominated by the current Board, and elected by the members. The length of the term is 2 years, and there is no term limit. Honorary directors can participate in the Board meetings, but have no voting privilege.
2.1.2. Directors are responsible for organizing the association’s activities.
2.1.3. A director missing 3 consecutive board meetings is subject to removal from the Board.
2.1.4. A new director can be added to the Board in between terms. Such addition is nominated by a current director, and approved by the Board.
2.2. The Board of Directors is the executive arm of the association, and consists of up to 20 directors. The Power vested in the Board are as follows: 2
2.2.1. Amending the constitution and the bylaws; Making executive decisions; Raising funds.
2.2.2. Approving expenditures; overseeing financial operations; and determining membership fees.
2.2.3. Electing and impeaching the Board Chairman. The Chairman can be impeached by over two thirds of the directors’ vote.
2.2.4. Organizing the general membership meeting.
2.2.5. Board meetings are initiated by the Board Chairman, or a person appointed by the Chairman, or by the request of over half of the directors.
2.2.6. Valid Board meetings require the participation of over two thirds of the directors. A passing vote requires a simple majority.
3. The Board Chairman
3.1. The Board chairman is nominated and elected by the Board of Directors, and is the chief executive officer of the association.
3.2. The Board chairman organizes board meetings, and shall obey the decisions of the board meetings.
3.3. The Board chairman appoints vice chairmen and committee officers, can delegate power to persons outside the board, and has the power to add or remove functional positions as needed.
3.4. The Board Chairman is responsible to submit annual activity proposals to the board.
3.5. The Board Chairman can recommend the board to impeach vice chairmen and committee officers.
3.6. The Board Chairman has the final power over all expenditures, and can approve expenditures below $300 without consent of the board.
3.7. The term length of the Board Chairman is 1 year. There is no term limit.
3.8. Upon the resignation of the Board Chairman, the Board of Directors shall immediately elect an interim Chairman. The interim Chairman shall inherit all the power of the Chairman. A new Chairman shall be elected at the next Board Meeting.
3.9. A New Board Chairman is elected in November, and assumes office at the next Chinese New Year.
4. Vice Chairmen
4.1. Vice Chairmen are appointed by the Chairman.
4.2. Vice Chairmen assist the Chairman. The Term length is 1 year, and there is no term limit. 3
5. Committee officers are appointed by the Chairman, and are responsible for matters organized by the committee.
Article 5. Funding
1. Source of funding: The main source of funding comes from membership dues, donations from individuals, corporations, business associations, and other organizations, as well as revenue generating events organized by the NHCA.
2. Expenditures: all expenditures are for the purpose of supporting NHCA sponsored activities. All NHCA officers serve on a volunteering basis.
3. Financial oversight: NHCA accountants must follow the association’s rules regarding monetary transactions, and provide financial reports to the Board of director on a regular basis.
The accounting officers are nominated by the Board Chairman and approved by the Board of Directors. The Board Chairman shall not serve in the dual role of an accounting officer.
Article 6. Amendments
The power and duty to amend the NHCA Bylaws belong to the Board of Directors.
The end