春节晚会是北休斯顿华人协会的最重要活动,一直深受社区朋友们的喜爱,过去三年因为疫情,失去了久违的乡音,亲切的笑容,动人的歌声,欢快的舞蹈,经典的演奏和热烈的掌声,今年我们北休斯敦协会重燃朋友们的热情,让我们欢聚在这喜庆的日子,为大家增加浓厚的节日气氛,让孩子们有机会体会传统的中国文化,也让大家有机会交流认识,促进华人社区的团结和凝聚力。今年我们也准备了极其丰厚的奖品,以及众多Gift Cards, 其中包括两个最新的iPad Air, Le Creuset, Staub 珐琅锅各一个 每位观众都有机会抽中,赶紧抢票吧,座位有限,错过了就真的没有了.
时间:2023年1月14日 (周六) 晚上5:00-10:00pm
地点: Nancy Bock Center for Performing Arts in McCullough Junior High School, 3800 S Panther Creek Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77381
协会欢迎企业或者个人积极捐款,投放广告,或者赞助本次活动。 请点击这里查看捐款,广告,赞助的详细介绍。个人实物捐赠请联系 713-422-3102。春晚广告或捐赠请联系832-370-9693或832-813-9110或703-853-0034。
The annual Chinese New Year Gala will be held on Jan. 14, 2023 at Nancy Bock Center for Performing Arts in McCullough Junior High School. As always, we will do our best to present a marvelous show. While enjoy the show, you will also have many chances to win big prizes. In previous years, we gave iWatch, tablets, art pieces, gift cards, cooking ware, and lots more as prizes.
Time: 1/14/2023 (Saturday) 5:00 – 10:00 PM
Location: Nancy Bock Center for Performing Arts in McCullough Junior High School, 3800 S Panther Creek Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77381
Ticket purchase: Please purchase online
Sponsorship and donation: Any sponsorship and donation are deeply appreciated.